
NNRG Events

Stewarding a beautiful, healthy forest doesn’t have to mean locking the gate and throwing out the key. In fact, careful stewardship can help you to perpetually manage your forest in a way that improves wildlife habitat, sustains forest health, reduces risks associated with climate change, and provides long-term income opportunities through high-quality timber products.

At this free workshop in a family forest in Pierce County, professional foresters will introduce forest owners to a set of simple, hands-on strategies for increasing their forests’ resilience in the face of a warmer and drier climate.

We will take a summer break from Fireside Chats. They will return on September 18th

On the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m., we invite you to join NNRG, our partners, and fellow forest stewards to discuss forest management topics, share information and resources relevant to those topics, and connect with others who face some of the same challenges and opportunities as you in stewarding their lands. Get cozy from your home and bring your perspectives and questions for discussion. We look forward to seeing you each month. 

Did you miss a Fireside Chat? You can see past chats on the NNRG YouTube channel.


More forestry events in the Pacific Northwest

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