Are you interested in an outdoor career

improving forest health?

Northwest Natural Resource Group (NNRG) is introducing a new training program for people interested in becoming loggers with a focus on ecological logging – thinning designed to improve the health of the stand and enhance carbon sequestration, among other ecosystem services.

This training will be open to students from a wide variety of backgrounds, and no prior logging or heavy equipment experience is required, though we do encourage those with some logging or heavy equipment background to apply. Successful graduates will have the opportunity to gain additional experience using NNRG’s harwarder (combination harvester/forwarder). There is no cost for students, and students will be paid a stipend for their time.

NNRG will have use of a simulator so that students can gain some familiarity with equipment operation before getting into the cab of a real machine. Students will get approximately 28 hours of hands-on experience operating a modern cut-to-length harvester and forwarder.

The first training will be four weeks long, full-time at ~40 hours/week. The first training site will be in the Hood Canal area, about 1.5 hours from Tacoma, WA. We expect to schedule more trainings in the future in other parts of Western Washington.

What is thinning, and why do you do it?

Many forests in our region are overstocked, and trees are stressed by this excess competition from their neighbors. Thinning “from below” removes the smaller and less healthy trees, in order to give the healthier trees more room to thrive.

It also can be used to enhance species and structural diversity, in order to create more valuable habitat for a wide variety of species, and increase the resilience of the forest ecosystem.

Program outline

Intro to Ecological Forestry

  • Ecological vs. sustainable forestry
  • Forest succession and development
  • Tree and understory plant species ID
  • Tree selection for forest health
  • Ecological logging techniques
  • Climate change impacts on forestry
  • Forest Practices overview

Heavy Equipment Intro

  • Types of logging equipment
  • Mechanized logging procedures
  • Logging safety 
  • Chainsaw felling
  • Simulator harvester/forwarder training
  • Observation of experienced operator

Logging as a Business

  • Historical context and industry trends
  • Starting a business
  • Reducing liability
  • Tracking revenue/expenses
  • Optimizing value/scale
  • Building client relationships

Operating Equipment

  • Forwarder
  • Harvester
  • Basic maintenance

Frequently asked questions

Is there a cost for students?

No, there is no cost for students, and students will be paid a stipend for their time to help cover their living expenses. 

What will the class schedule be?

This program will be full-time Monday-Friday for the four-week duration. As is typical with logging operations, some days will start very early and may be long.

Is there a minimum age for students?

Students must be at least 18 years old for liability reasons. We expect to hold these trainings for several years, so if you’re under 18 now you can check back and apply later.

Will instruction be available in languages other than English?

We can provide written materials in Spanish, and can offer some translation services. However, students must speak at least basic English in order to receive instruction from trainers while operating equipment.

Is transportation available?

No, students will have to make their own arrangements to arrive at the work area each day. Carpooling is encouraged, and we will assist in connecting people to set up carpools.

Do you offer employment after the course?

While we will recommend successful students to our network of loggers, and will be happy to provide references, we cannot guarantee employment.

After finishing this course will I be ready to start my own logging business?

This course will provide an overview of what it takes to run a logging business, and some experience in various machines, but most students will need to get more machine experience to be ready to operate them efficiently in a commercial setting. Graduates will be eligible to get more experience using NNRG’s harwarder (combination harvester/forwarder), or could obtain employment with a local logging contractor in order to gain more experience.

Will students have to meet certain benchmarks along the way to remain in the course?

Yes. Logging is difficult and technical work, and it’s not for everyone. While we’d love to have all students who start the course complete it, if the trainer (whose equipment students will be using) feels that a student is not progressing adequately, they will not be able to complete the hands-on portion of the program. In addition, students will be expected to uphold standards of conduct appropriate to the work environment, including punctuality and a constructive attitude, as a condition of remaining enrolled.

This program is funded through a grant from the USDA Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities.

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