Seeking Forest Owners for New Study

Forest owners — please share your wisdom! Take part in NNRG’s new harvest study.
You know better than anyone what kind of management work you’ve done in your forest, and what sorts of financial and ecological results its produced. Your closest forest-owning neighbor might have taken a different approach but ended up with similar results.
Each of your experiences have made you wiser stewards.
Other, perhaps newer, landowners are looking at their forests without the wisdom that comes with experience. They might not know there are different kinds of harvest and management techniques and that these practices can have different effects on their forests — and their pocketbooks.
And while we would love to tell them how much income this thinning will generate, versus that sort of uneven-aged harvest (etc.), we don’t have the collective information to be able to give recommendations like that yet. The often quoted response, “It depends,” is an accurate, but unsatisfactory answer.
So, together with Oregon State University, we’re trying to aggregate the immense harvest wisdom you and other landowners possess.
At the end of this project, we will share what we’ve learned from forest owners about the range of outcomes landowners have achieved from timber harvests using uneven-aged management.
But first, we need your help! If you’re willing to share your recent harvest information with NNRG and OSU, please consider taking our survey to share your experience. You can complete the questionnaire online, through a PDF on your computer, or on paper.
As a thank you to forest owners who take the time to complete the survey, the first 100 participants are eligible to receive a $50 gift card to one of the following retailers:
- Coastal Farm and Ranch
- Forestry Suppliers
- Pacforest Supply Company
- Wilco Farm Store
More information about this research study can be found here:
In his own words, why a landowner (and NNRG Director of Forestry) and his family participated in the study:
Photos by Matt Freeman-Gleason
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